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- {ta
- {I{7 Spanner Films MCMXCIV
- presents....
- {C{9 Bob `The Bob' Testicles'
- Drastic re-interpretation of
- {A{5 Walt Disney's classic story:
- {L{: M A R Y P O O - P I N S
- {D{8 Cert PG (Pongo-graphic)
- {E{6 London,1908. The Twyford family are
- urgently seeking a nanny to look after
- the two children: Wendy and Peter, as
- Mr. Twyford has to go away to compete
- in the Monty Python Upper Class Twit
- race and their mother, Euthanasia, has
- sodded off in her Ford Model `T' XR3i
- to the French Alps on a skiing
- holiday. Mr. Twyford had put an
- advert for a nanny in the local
- newspaper but the only applicants so
- far have been either miserable old
- dragons or drug dealers (or both).
- Meanwhile, Mary Poopins has been
- equally unsuccessful in her hunt for a
- job. This is possibly due to her
- unfortunate, embarrassing and
- incurable anal condition which causes
- her to empty her bowels at the drop of
- a hat. Unthwarted by her troublesome
- colon; Mary decides to apply for the
- nanny's job at the Twyfords.
- {ta{I{5 Scene 1 : At The Interview.
- {E{6Mr. Twyford : Well, Miss Poopins,
- I've read your CV and you appear to be
- qualified. It's just your medical
- condition that I'm concerned about.
- Have you no control over when and
- where you defaecate?
- Mary : I've got no control over my
- bowels at all, Mr Twyford. My
- condition has baffled doctors all over
- the world. But, if you think that I'm
- unsuitable for the position of nanny;
- I'll quite understand.
- Mr. Twyford : On the contrary, Miss
- Poopins. I need a good nanny straight
- away and you seem to fit the bill.
- Anyway, your sudden pooing will bring
- some excitement into the children's
- lives.
- Peter : Yes, Mary, We can't wait to
- see your turdy plop plops.
- Wendy : Please be our nanny, Mary.
- Mary : Well, It's up to your father
- now, children.
- Mr. Twyford : I think you've got the
- job, Miss Poopins. I'm off to compete
- in my race now. Cheerio, everybody.
- Mary : Cheerio, Mr. Twyford.
- Wendy+Peter : Cheerio, Daddy.
- Mary : I'm so pleased that I
- could.....BARP!
- {ta
- {A{7Large quantities of defaecation flow
- out of Mary's bottom (like a river to
- the sea in that U2 song).
- {E{6Mary : Ooops!, My bottom!
- Wendy : Pooh!, Mary. Your number
- twos have filled up the house.
- Peter : Who's going to clean this up
- now?
- Mary : Never mind that: I've got an
- idea. We can go to my holiday home in
- Cannock for a week.
- Peter : That's a spiffing idea, Mary,
- but where's Cannock?
- Mary : It's Stafford and down a bit.
- Wendy : Brillo, Mary. Let's go right
- now.
- Mary : OK then. Just let me get my
- brolly.
- {A{7 End of Scene.
- {I{5 Scene 2 : On the Road to Cannock.
- {E{6Wendy : Mary, How much further is it?
- Mary : Not very far now. Go to sleep
- and by the time that you awaken; we'll
- be there. Oh no!, PARP! RUMBLE!
- {A{7A gargantuan quantity of raw shite
- flies out of Mary's arsehole at a fair
- old rate of knots.
- {ta{E{6Peter : Oh no, you've blocked the
- road!.
- Wendy : Yes, and your giant jobbies
- have also filled up six ten acre
- fields.
- Mary : Well, we'd better vacate
- quickly and get on our way to Cannock.
- {A{7Fifteen minutes later, a local farmer,
- Farmer Brown (joke intended - so
- laugh!) calls the police to inspect
- the damage done by Mary's titanic
- twos.
- {E{6Farmer Brown: Well, Sergeant, It
- appears that a passing tourist has
- filled six of my fields with piles of
- poopoo that are twenty feet high. Do
- you have any idea who it was?
- Sergeant : Yes. I think that it's
- Mary Poopins. She suffers from a rare
- bowel complaint that causes her to
- uncontrollably defaecate at regular
- intervals.
- Farmer Brown: It looks like her
- condition has worsened, Sergeant.
- Sergeant : Yes, I will have to find
- her before she does any more damage.
- {A{7 End of Scene.
- {I{5 Scene 3 : Shopping in Cannock.
- {E{6Wendy : What shop are we going to go
- in first, Mary?
- {ta{E{6Mary : How about this toy shop?
- Peter : Great, Mary. But try not to
- drop your load in this one.
- {A{7 They enter the toy shop. The
- manager spots Mary and is instantly
- smitten.
- {E{6Manager : Good Afternoon, Madam. Is
- there anything that I can interest you
- and your lovely children in?
- Mary : Oh God! PARP! RUMBLE!
- Peter : How about a two hundred foot
- square toilet? (RUMBLE!)
- Manager : I'm afraid we don't sell
- those, young man.
- {A{7 At that mmoment, Mary's bomb bay
- doors open and she drops her guts with
- the grace and verve of a ballet
- dancer.
- {E{6Manager : Well, Miss?
- Mary : Mary.
- Manager : Well, Mary. It appears
- that you have filled my shop with your
- giant stools. Yet, despite your
- raucaus rectal rumblings; I am still
- very attracted to you. Will you have
- dinner with me, Mary?
- Mary : I don't even know your name.
- Manager : My name is Bert Ollocks.
- Mary : OK Bert. Tonight at 9:00pm.
- {ta{A{7 End of Scene.
- {I{5 Scene 4 : The Dinner Date.
- {E{6Wendy : Come on, Mary. It's 8:30.
- You'll be late.
- Mary : OK, you two: Off to bed.
- Peter : Good Luck, Mary. Remember to
- clench your buttocks.
- Mary : Good Night, Children.
- {A{7 Mary meets Bert at an expensive
- French restuarant in the centre of
- town (in Cannock?!). Bert orders soup
- of the day, Duck L'Orange and Ice
- Cream for dessert; while Mary orders a
- stomach churning concoction of
- digestion upsetting edibles all washed
- down with a few bottles of Newky
- Brown.
- {E{6Bert : Well, Mary. How long have you
- suffered from this unusual condition?
- Mary : Since birth.
- Bert : I bet trouble is never far
- away!
- Mary : Yes, there is plenty of scope
- for jolly japes and botty pranks.
- Bert : Do you think it could be
- something to do with your diet?
- Mary : I don't think so, Bert. I'm a
- very healthy eater. Oh, no, Sorry
- about this, Bert...PARP! RUMBLE!
- {ta
- {A{7 If you thought Mary's last mound of
- bodily waste products was large, you
- ain't seen nothin' yet!
- {D{9AUTHOR'S NOTE: Due to the fact that
- Mary's climactic crap destroyed the
- whole town: the play has to suddenly
- end here.
- {F{: Thank you.
- {B{5 Bob Testicles, author.
- {A{:
- End.
- {PL